Support Us By Shopping Amazon: Click Here We are looking forward to sharing our program with our community partners. Keep a watch for classes and session starting in Aug thru Sep and Nov thru Dec 2023.
MarQue is blessed to serve as an editor. She will read your book and offer suggestions while grammatically editing your work. As MarQue is working in partnership with you, she will gently and prayerfully encourage you to stay on course to complete your project at hand. Procrastination only slows down your process, so stay focused - disciplined to a time table and accountable to the Lord for what He has placed in you to come to pass.
Editing research indicates approximately .14 cents per page or $35 hourly. As we stand as witness' before God, we have been Blessed to be a Blessing… Pricing below (Quantity - 1) covers roughly 4.5 hrs of editing. I am happy to submit an invoice for total hours spent on your specific project upon your request. MarQue is typically working on an hourly scale as she devotes time to hearing the authors voice and expression in writing. Word Doc Pages Quantity - 1 = 4.5 hrs (50 - 100 pgs) Quantity - 2 = 9 to 10 hrs (120 - 250 pgs) Quantity - 3 = 15 hrs (300 - 500 pgs) Thank you for being a Blessing Phil 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
As I walk out the remaining days, weeks and month of 2015, I rejoice in all that has transpired. We must live in our present so we don't skip or miss valuable lessons that are meant to transition us. We can remember the time we looked back on something and realized that without that experience, we won't have gotten to our present point or situation. With this wonderful discovery of knowledge that everything that happens has a purpose, we can walk confidently forward knowing we are where we are supposed to be. If we feel we are not, we can be confident in taking the steps to change it. And so I 'PRESS ON'... 2016 My true YEAR of JUBLIEE!!! Blessings With ONLY 1 month 3 weeks left in this year, we are continuing to make strides forward. We look forward to seeing you at the Christmas celebration as we minister and prophesy the coming year of blessings and victory!!!
Go with us as we advance. This season we have added "For this cause I bow my knee - A moving testimony" by Pastor Rekesha Pittman as our handbook. We are doing an in-depth study of dance in the scriptures as we move into the community with ministry. The worship arts as ministry is not just the activity of music, dance, singing, and drama. It is a viable source of gifting that God not only recognizes but requires in worship. If we learn it correctly to begin with, we won't struggle with it later in life trying to find our way. Prov 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
2Tim 2:15 " Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Join us Nov 17th for our Praise Dance Garment Launch. Check the website for date & time. Blessings Posting on this Thanksgiving Day - wishing you a blessed day today and always. We have just one more session in this year of jubilee, and we are looking forward to seeing you. Register Saturday morning Dec 1st at the studio. Blessings You will not want to miss being a part of this Fall Session with WPA (Witness Performing Arts). As we enter into this NEW season we are holding nothing back. God is amazing and He is showing Himself big in our lives. Please tell us what church you belong to so we can visit and worship with you. Jesus said "GO OUT INTO THE WORLD" as a community based Praise Dance program, that is exactly what we are doing. The action is "GO"
We look forward to seeing you. Please drop us a line. Blessings! Witness Performing Arts, Inc. the children are growing in their worship and praise. It is a joy to see and be a part of. Children truly worship in spirit and truth. They don't fake it!!! Wow, we can take a lesson from them. Grab that Spirit. I have and I will be in the Spirit Air! This is January we are in the year of Jubliee!!! 2012 Receive it...
We hope your holiday season is Blessed and highly favored! Join us Dec 17, 2011 @ A Chili Affair - Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 1189 Hassel Las Vegas, NV 89106 12:30pm - Holiday Bizzare
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Your posting can be seen at Support Witness Performing Arts purchase you HP ink products. Limited ink products. First come First serve. Radiance performing in Buffalo New York with the Philharmonic - Nov 12, 2011 |
AuthorMs MarQue program director for WPA promotes, encourages, enhances, and fosters education and training, both traditional and non traditional within the "Performing Arts" using biblical principles & scripture. Archives
August 2023